Seamless Oxygenation Across Theatres

HFOT Periop 2 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer


Newham University Hospital is one of five hospitals within Barts Health NHS Trust. It is a busy teaching hospital, in the East of London, caring for one of the most diverse populations in the UK. It provides care across a range of services including surgery, children’s health, women’s health and elderly care. It provides specialist medical services including a stroke unit and clinical support services.

Problem or Challenge

Newham University Hospital provides acute care for the London Borough of Newham with a population of approximately 350,000. Consequently, they carry out many surgical procedures per year. The busy surgical department was using two systems for patient oxygenation, OptiflowTM and AquaVENT® FD140i, requiring numerous accessories. Staff faced a challenging task of managing two distinct oxygenation systems and ensuring they had the necessary supplies for each.


The solution was to select one system that would be used across theatres. Staff would only need to be familiar with one system and only one set of consumables would be needed. The requirement was a system that was easy to use, could travel with the patient if required from pre-op, into theatre and onto recovery i.e. it featured a battery. It also needed to be able to respond quickly if the patient requirements changed. Comprehensive training for all staff was an important requirement.

The AquaVENT® FD140i was selected as the best solution as it delivers both High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and has a large screen so is easy to use. It has a battery, can travel with the patient and continue to provide therapy at each stage of their journey. If a patient is struggling in recovery, additional support can be provided quickly by escalating to CPAP. The AquaVENT® FD140i can provide apnoeic oxygenation when needed which was an additional benefit.

Initial training for all staff was provided by the Armstrong Medical team with ongoing support to train new staff members and deal with any queries.

Benefits and Outcomes

There is now only one system for patient oxygenation across theatres. An easy to use device, supported by comprehensive training and a user-friendly interface makes sure that all staff are confident using it. For high risk patients they can be kept on the prescribed therapy as they move to and from theatre, giving them the best chance of a speedy recovery and helping to maintain optimal oxygenation throughout. Administration and storage is also made easier as a single set of consumables is required.

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Newham University Hospital

Mark-Christian Reyes
Equipment Manager
Main Theatre

Staff have confidence using it as the interface is user-friendly.