A Better Fit Optimising Therapy Delivery for Neonates

MicrosoftTeams image 194 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer


Ottawa Hospital trialled various products in their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to find a new bonnet for babies that facilitates optimum delivery of nHFOT and CPAP therapies.

Problem or Challenge

The challenge was getting a bonnet that was comfortable for the baby and doesn’t require any excessive pressure to fit to the baby’s head. We needed a hat that could support respiratory therapy delivery comfortably to the baby minimising pressure sores and the leakage of gas.


The NeoFlow® bonnet from Armstrong Medical was a wonderful match for the NICU at Ottawa Hospital, since it can slide under the baby’s head and comfortably wrap around it. The design and material allow the hat to grow with the baby, ensuring that it always fits properly and provides a secure fixation to deliver both nCPAP and nHFOT to the baby. The cradle for respiratory therapy delivery keeps everything in line allowing it to be adjusted to the angle of the prongs/mask, providing the ability to personalise it to the baby’s unique head shape. This has proven beneficial when parents are cuddling their baby, at which time the cradle can be adjusted to ensure that baby is still receiving optimal therapy delivery during this time.

Benefits and Outcomes

The NeoFlow® bonnet offers great flexibility as the baby grows, reducing the number of bonnet sizes required during their NICU journey. Made from ultra-soft material, it is easy to fit and gentle on the baby. As it does not slide up or down, the bonnet remains in the preferred fixed position. The design reduces the necessity for adhesive fixation for respiratory interfaces, with adjustable velcro fixation pads along the sides of the bonnet resulting in a more even distribution of pressure, and less pressure sores as a result of respiratory therapy. The open crown provides parents with an opportunity to maximise skin to skin contact and appreciate their baby’s hair colour. This feature can also be useful for inspecting skin, completing ultrasound scans and access for vein catheterisation.

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Ottawa Hospital,

Melissa Faulkner
Respiratory Therapy Professional Practice Leader

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

It always fits nicely, adjusting to the baby’s shape of face. The ultra soft material allows it to grow with the baby, It’s really quite lovely.