Patient Warming

A simple but effective draping system to prevent patient heat loss and associated hypothermia.

Patient Warming

A simple but effective draping system to prevent patient heat loss and associated hypothermia.

What is Thermawrap?

By minimising convective heat loss from all areas covered, which can account for up to 33% of patient heat loss during surgery, Thermawrap® is a simple draping system to prevent patient heat loss, save money and time. Made with combined polyethylene film and aluminium particulate on a polyester fleece backing, Thermawrap® lowers the risk of hypothermia and safe for all patients and procedures.

thermawrap nonconductive 1024x1024 1 Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer


Non-conductive and radiolucent making it suitable for all electro-surgery/ diathermy and radiographic techniques.

Mannequin wearing Thermawrap

Lightweight & Flexible

Lightweight and flexible ensuring that it can be draped on all parts of the body in conjunction with the sterile surgical field.

ThermaWrap Section Armstrong Medical | Medical Device Manufacturer

Tight Fitting

Tight fitting to skin surface making Thermawrap® more effective than other warming systems when used in specific patient positioning e.g. lateral and stirrups positions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Thermawrap® is non-conductive and radiolucent making ​it safe for use with diathermy and all x-ray equipment.

We know patients begin losing body heat pre- operatively, therefore Thermawrap® is most effective when placed before​ anaesthesia induction or preferably in the hospital ward.

Either way. However, if the fleece side is towards the patient it is more comfortable for the patient and will drape better.


Thermawrap uses a simple insulation principle, thus avoiding the expense and inconvenience of using powered equipment.

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